Sunday, July 17, 2011


30% of the population suffers from idiopathic neuropathy, which is neuropathy from an unknown cause.  But what IS neuropathy?  Neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves.  Neuropathy presents as symptoms in the hands, more often the feet, such as tingling, numbness, burning, the feeling of bugs crawling on the skin, and in the worst cases, shooting pains.  Although 30% of neuropathy is a from an unknown cause, another 30% is from a Known cause.... DIABETES.  A few other causes are chronic alcoholism, shingles, medications, AIDS, deficiencies in vitamins, cancer drugs, toxins, and certain diseases/disorders.
 Why does my diabetes cause neuropathy?  Patients with diabetes whose glucose/sugar has been out of control for longstanding periods of time develop neuropathy.  Simply put, the disease effects your nerves when you do not take control of your sugar levels.  Usually the symptoms start in the fingers as numbness first.  Eventually the symptoms are felt in the toes and feet.  Neuropathy IS reversible up to a certain point, but irreversible once the glucose has been uncontrolled for too long.  Many diabetic patients complain of no feeling on the bottom of both of their feet!  This is when trouble can occur.... if you can't feel it, you don't know it!  In other words, a diabetic patient with neuropathy (or any patient with neuropathy) may step on something and never realize the skin is broken on the bottom of the foot.  Bacteria may contaminate this opening, leading to an ulceration and infection.  It's at this point that you may hear of diabetic patients with ulcerations, infections, and in the worst cases, amputations!
How is neuropathy treated?   There are many treatments for neuropathy that are dependant on each individual case.  These include vitamin supplements, prescription medications, diet and glucose/sugar control, and various non-invasive therapies.  The most important treatment is PREVENTION, in the case of diabetes.  Although uncontrollable in some cases, neuropathy is preventable and controllable in Diabetes.  Diet and sugar maintenance are paramount in effectively minimizing the effect of neuropathy.  But remember, chronic longterm uncontrolled sugar = irreversible neuropathy.  When this neuropathy is associated with Pain, the problem is magnified.
For more information about neuropathy, visit us as

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ashton Kutcher born with Webbed Toes!!

Celebrity Ashton Kutcher is no stranger to a good sense of humor.  Ashton has publically announced having been born with webbed toes!  He has been so confident and unashamed as to Show the public this deformity on numerous occasions, even on the Oprah Winfrey show!
Ashton was born with a condition called Syndactyly.  Syndactyly is a condition in which two or more digits (fingers OR toes), are fused together.  Instead of functioning individually, they function as one unit because the skin between the digits is fused.  There is no visible separation between the affected digits, and the digits may resemble a “webbed foot” or a “webbed toe.”
Surprisingly, in normal fetal development, all toes and fingers are webbed!  The separation of the digits occurs naturally during development at approximately 16 weeks.  In the case of Mr. Funny himself, Ashton Kutcher, he was born without the enzyme that dissolves the skin between his two toes. 
Syndactyly usually is not a symptomatic condition, rather, a cosmetic concern.  There are surgical options available to reconstruct webbed toes in some cases.  Ironically, there are other cases in which surgeons purposely Syndactylize digits!!
For more information on Syndactyly and/or Syndactylization, visit us at

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Halle Berry & Kate Hudson have extra toes!!!!

Celebrities Halle Berry and Kate Hudson were both born with a condition called Polydactyly.  Polydactyly is a deformity in which an individual is born with one or more extra digits of the hands or feet.  This is usually an isolated deformity resulting from a genetic mutation, but can also be found associated with other syndromes.
Polydactyly in the feet presents as an extra toe, most commonly a fully developed extra ‘pinky’ toe.  Although the extra toe may appear to be fully developed, oftentimes the bones of the toe are not, leading to a limp floppy toe that can be quite uncomfortable.  Treatments include paddings, strappings, over-the-counter inserts or custom orthotics, and shoegear modifications.  Surgical treatment is a serious consideration in Polydactyly when the condition is either symptomatic or a cosmetic concern for patients, especially concerned parents of children born with this condition. 
With all of the plastic surgery happening in the celebrity world, it comes as a surprise that the beautiful Halle Berry and Kate Hudson did not have their extra toes surgically corrected!!  It goes to show, not many people are looking at your feet!! 
Contact Dr. Malinoski with any questions or concerns, and/or more information